The kids are here.
God, wasn't prepared for this at all. This camp is a lot like a school so it's pretty intense schedules. I barely know how to teach, undoubtably doing everything wrong but I am enjoying it. It's a breath of fresh air and the people I've met here are great, already got some stories.
The staff show went well, kids liked my very over the top tambourine playing. Actually bruised my hand I got that in to it. The recording of that is defo one to miss, for me anyways ... for everyone else it's probably comedy gold.
Been up every night every half hour with one of my campers who has home sickness. Tired much. But the kids are so cute and really funny, they really do make it!! It's so cute the things they come out with and some are so grown up for their age and so so so polite. It's almost annoying how polite they are, it makes me look bad. I feel like a parent, of like a gazzilion kids.
I feel like I handle the little kiddy problems well, I've resolved a few sibling conflicts and tears. gold star for me, hor hor!
I have a night off tonight, so needed. I actually get to drink some coke and eat sweets. I'm trying to diet from now on, the food here is incredible. I'm off on July the 4th also, so that will be fun - Independence day ... In America. I think we're going to fireworks. Yay!!
I can't get the Lava song out my head, from the Pixar short movie. We went to see Inside out, don't know if I mentioned but its the best film ever!!! I cried. Easily one of my top 10!! But yeah, the ukulele is constantly played here around camp, especially in our cabin of singing, ukulele playing, 13 year old girls. I love it, so cute. Makes me feel like its sunny even though the weather here has been pathetic the last few days, feel like I'm in england again. We got soaked last night, actually that was quite funny watching all the kids have a heart attack getting caught in a thunder/lightening storm. Bless them man.
No massive updates yet apart from I'm experiencing a constant emotional rollercoaster, think I'm just settling in but it's all good, in a bit.