Many students often ponder the question of "we pay £9000.00 tuition fee a year but what does the money actually go towards?", well fellow students ... I think I've sussed the answer!
Your 9 grand a year pays for:
- Lecturers to reply with "it's in the module guide" every time you ask a question.
- Lecturers to flick the slide to the next one on the power-point before you've finished writing.
- Us to pay for our own gym memberships, society fees, printing credit, laundry, accommodation fees, blah blah blah.
- Us being required to include a ton of untaught material in exams/projects to get a 1st class degree.
- All our deadlines to be set for the same week.
- Not even a full year of classes and for some courses to be in class literally less than 10 hours a week.
- Lecturers who can't understand our regional accents.
- The blackboard system to constantly be down.
- Gaining access to the library being like airport security.
- Us to meet deadlines or else we fail but ... receiving our feedback much later than the 20 day period stated.