Hi guys.
I'm bored.
So, I'm going to write down the first 50 random thoughts that come to my head.
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Obviously, that was a joke. (penny for your thoughts.) Can you tell I'm bored?
1.) I should be doing uni work right now but instead I'm doing this.
2.) I've just realised, I'm really good at procrastinating.
3.) People who eat smelly food in public are annoying.
4.) Or maybe they're just brave?
5.) I really should be doing uni work.
6.) I'd love to have a clone of myself.
7.) Actually, no I wouldn't because what if I thought they were really ugly.
8.) I wonder if identical twins ever think the other one looks ugly.
9.) I got asked in an interview today how would I describe the colour yellow to a blind person, I said ugly.
10.) How do some girls have such good eyebrows?
11.) Typing with acrylic nails is really hard.
12.) But these things are tough, they could probably break through iron.
13.) They definitely can't.
14.) I wish I was a good singer.
15.) I also got asked what song I would sing on x-factor in my interview.
16.) I do have an answer to that, every time I hear it I think "I'd probs sing that if I could sing, on xfactor"
17.) But I forgot it.
18.) Yes, that was my actual answer.
19.) I wonder how my cats doing. I miss my cat.
20.) I wonder how all them girls I met in the toilets, drunk, on nights out are doing.
21.) I'm hungry.
22.) Why can't I just be famous?
23.) Because I can't do anything talented?
24.) Kim kardashian is famous, all she done was be a hoe.
25.) But I'm not a hoe so I can't do that either.
26.) I wonder what animal I would be if I was one.
27.) My ex said I'd be a snake. HA, that's a reptile.
28.) I hate my ex.
29.) Let's move on swiftly to anything.
30.) Ooo look, there's a red pole.
29.) This is actually really easy, I have a very fast thought processing brain.
30.) I like the colour red.
31.) I could probably eat pizza every day.
32.) Why isn't Ian Somerhalder my boyfriend??????
33.) I want to be in a bath with champagne and loud music with lots of bubbles right now.
34.) The sound of people typing, breathing loudly and eating annoy me.
35.) HAHAHA why have I just started thinking about salad fingers??
36.) Can you get a bursary for trying????
37.) Can you get paid to exist?
38.) Why do celebrities only date other celebrities, it really upsets me how Ian Somerhalder doesn't know I'm alive.
39.) I could really eat a sandwich.
40.) But I just ate one but my stomache is telling me to eat another one.
41.) Aw I want one of those dairylea lunchable things.
43.) I ate a leaf once.
44.) Can you get paid for lying down and singing daniel bedingfield?
45.) I wonder what my friends are doing?
47.) Actually, I don't think it's hunger I think I feel sick.
48.) I wonder if I have natural resting bitch face. Naaa, I don't. I look gormless all my life.
49.) My ears itchy.
50.) This is too much pressure to think of my last thought of my 50th thoughts because this is the 50th one.