Oh kay, so I'd not heard of this before but recently I've been nominated, very kindly so, by Geena to do the Liebster Award Tag. It seems like a great way to find new blogs and also, a bit of fun as well an amazing opportunity for small bloggers (like myself) to be heard!!
THANK YOU GEENA for the nomination, really enjoyed reading your blog. (The link to Geena's lifestyle and beuty blog is above). Give it a look.
So, let's get started.
- Thank and link the person who nominated you.
- Answer the nominator's 11 questions.
- Nominate 11 small blogs who have less than 200 followers. You should believe that they deserve this award and include their link in your post.
- Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. Notify these nominees via social media/blog.
♥ Why did you call your blog the way you called it?
I had a list of cool names. They were all taken. If I had to read "Sorry, that URL is already in use" one more time I might have exploded hence allthegoodblognamesweretaken. My friends thought I'd been 'clever' and I suppose it could be seen that way but ... yeah! It kind of stuck, orignally I planned to have this as a temporary name but I like it, I think it suits my personality.
♥ If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
I like this question. I've always liked cats, I like the way they move and I think I have cat eyes so probably a cat but not like, a house cat ... It would have to be a big cat like a Jaguar or a Cheatah or something. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a Mermaid though, are they animals? I know they're not real but if they were, that's what I'd be, 100%!!!
I like this question. I've always liked cats, I like the way they move and I think I have cat eyes so probably a cat but not like, a house cat ... It would have to be a big cat like a Jaguar or a Cheatah or something. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a Mermaid though, are they animals? I know they're not real but if they were, that's what I'd be, 100%!!!
♥ What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Hard one. Honestly, I don't think I could say publically on the big old world wide web. I'm a pretty "crazy" person, if that's the word we're going for. Hmm, not really sure but I am really clumsy and end up ACCIDENTLY getting myself in trouble a lot. Probably, the best answer to this is applying to Camp America though - It's changed my life and I haven't even went yet. I'm really proud of everything I've achieved so far in regards to that!
Hard one. Honestly, I don't think I could say publically on the big old world wide web. I'm a pretty "crazy" person, if that's the word we're going for. Hmm, not really sure but I am really clumsy and end up ACCIDENTLY getting myself in trouble a lot. Probably, the best answer to this is applying to Camp America though - It's changed my life and I haven't even went yet. I'm really proud of everything I've achieved so far in regards to that!
♥ Do you have any hidden talents?
I want to say Dance. Barely anyone has seen me dance but I am actually a really good dancer when I want to be, I'm just shy about it but it's something I've been passionate about for years. I also think I'm abit telepathic or psychic or something, maybe...
I want to say Dance. Barely anyone has seen me dance but I am actually a really good dancer when I want to be, I'm just shy about it but it's something I've been passionate about for years. I also think I'm abit telepathic or psychic or something, maybe...
♥ What would you do if you were the other gender for a day?
Great question. Don't reallllllly know how to answer this with out sounding crude but I would definitely, 10000000% have sex. Sorry mam if you ever read this but that's everyones real truthful answer isn't it? C'mon. I'd probably go on a lads night out too because they look so much fun! I'd ALSO punch my ex, because I could.
Great question. Don't reallllllly know how to answer this with out sounding crude but I would definitely, 10000000% have sex. Sorry mam if you ever read this but that's everyones real truthful answer isn't it? C'mon. I'd probably go on a lads night out too because they look so much fun! I'd ALSO punch my ex, because I could.
♥ What do you like the most about yourself?
My personality. Without tooting my own trumpet here I do actually like who I am as a person and I know I'll continue to grow and develope through life hopefully in to someone better than I am now. It might not be everyone's cup of tea but I like how laid back and chilled out I am, I like how I don't stress over trivial things too much, I feel I'm quite a strong person and I'm comfortable with myself. I think once people learn to like themselves It's their greatest asset. The happiest people are the prettiest!
♥ What is your biggest pet peeve?
Boys? Naaa man haha. Has to be people who throw the word LOVE around. I know I'm a bit (alot) negative when it comes to the lovey dovey stuff but some people seriously need to get a grip. Can't stand these people who DEPEND on a man, claim they love them after 5 minutes and ugh. It bugs me. I don't have a lot of time for attention seekers or liars either or people who make out the worlds out to get them when they're clearly not hard done by and there's starving Africans in the world.
My personality. Without tooting my own trumpet here I do actually like who I am as a person and I know I'll continue to grow and develope through life hopefully in to someone better than I am now. It might not be everyone's cup of tea but I like how laid back and chilled out I am, I like how I don't stress over trivial things too much, I feel I'm quite a strong person and I'm comfortable with myself. I think once people learn to like themselves It's their greatest asset. The happiest people are the prettiest!
♥ What is your biggest pet peeve?
Boys? Naaa man haha. Has to be people who throw the word LOVE around. I know I'm a bit (alot) negative when it comes to the lovey dovey stuff but some people seriously need to get a grip. Can't stand these people who DEPEND on a man, claim they love them after 5 minutes and ugh. It bugs me. I don't have a lot of time for attention seekers or liars either or people who make out the worlds out to get them when they're clearly not hard done by and there's starving Africans in the world.
♥ What was your most hated subject in school?
♥ If you had to change your name for some reason, how would you name yourself?
Princess Ema. Nooo, kidding!!! I don't know. Something really unusual and exotic or something really hard to pronounce or spell so I could laugh at everyone struggle or try not to offend me. (muahaha)
Princess Ema. Nooo, kidding!!! I don't know. Something really unusual and exotic or something really hard to pronounce or spell so I could laugh at everyone struggle or try not to offend me. (muahaha)
♥ If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
♥ Serious question - If you had to choose when you're going to die, which age would you choose and why?
Ooo, very serious. Well, I USED to think 20 was old and I'm telling you now (IT ISN'T) so right now, I feel 60 is like ANCIENT but it's probably not ... So I don't know. I'm obsessed with Vampire Diaries ... If someone could turn me in to a Vampire like now I'd never want to die. I kind of always wanted a mysterious death, something like a mystery that was never solved ... Just to leave my life on a cliff hanger so if it's ever turned in to a film (not that it will be) I'd have one of those really good frustrating endings and I then if I wanted I could come back from the dead or something. I dunno. The world seems like it won't be a very nice place when I'm old. If I've lived a happy life and achieved the things I want to - that's good enough for me.
REALLY enjoyed answering those!! THANKS G, those questions are gunna be hard to follow ahaa.
The people (blogs) I nominate ARE:
♥ leanna
♥ myeclecticmuse
♥ Sarah
♥ Dana
♥ Kate
♥ Chontelle
♥ Ciara
♥ Katie
♥ Kirsty
♥ Lisa
AND your questions are:
1. What's the one thing you're most proud of?
2. What is your biggest fear and why?
3. Before you die (a bit morbid) what are the 5 things you HAVE to do/achieve?
4. Do you have any scary/cool ghost stories?
5. If you could go right now to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
6. Bit of an interview question but where would you like to be in 5 years time?
7. What is your idea of the worst, first date imaginable?
8. If you were sent to a deserted island, and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring?
9. Sweet or savoury?
10. What couldn't you live without?
11. When do you think you'll be officially old?
Let me know when you've finished and have fun passing this on - I have.
Much love
Ooo, very serious. Well, I USED to think 20 was old and I'm telling you now (IT ISN'T) so right now, I feel 60 is like ANCIENT but it's probably not ... So I don't know. I'm obsessed with Vampire Diaries ... If someone could turn me in to a Vampire like now I'd never want to die. I kind of always wanted a mysterious death, something like a mystery that was never solved ... Just to leave my life on a cliff hanger so if it's ever turned in to a film (not that it will be) I'd have one of those really good frustrating endings and I then if I wanted I could come back from the dead or something. I dunno. The world seems like it won't be a very nice place when I'm old. If I've lived a happy life and achieved the things I want to - that's good enough for me.
REALLY enjoyed answering those!! THANKS G, those questions are gunna be hard to follow ahaa.
The people (blogs) I nominate ARE:
♥ leanna
♥ myeclecticmuse
♥ Sarah
♥ Dana
♥ Kate
♥ Chontelle
♥ Ciara
♥ Katie
♥ Kirsty
♥ Lisa
AND your questions are:
1. What's the one thing you're most proud of?
2. What is your biggest fear and why?
3. Before you die (a bit morbid) what are the 5 things you HAVE to do/achieve?
4. Do you have any scary/cool ghost stories?
5. If you could go right now to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
6. Bit of an interview question but where would you like to be in 5 years time?
7. What is your idea of the worst, first date imaginable?
8. If you were sent to a deserted island, and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring?
9. Sweet or savoury?
10. What couldn't you live without?
11. When do you think you'll be officially old?
Let me know when you've finished and have fun passing this on - I have.
Much love