No, this post isn't about boys wearing make-up.
It's about how utterly, atrociously, disgustingly brain dead and hypocritical they are regarding make-up.
Obviously, if a boy knew more about contouring and lip balm than me - I'd probably be slightly concerned but recently I've noticed a few things: They are literally clueless.
There's two types of directions this tends to take:
1) You get the boys who think we wake up with perfect skin and sparkly eyelids.
2) You get the boys who sit and slate makeup and claim they prefer the "natural" look.
Any boy who says "you look better without makeup" doesn't really mean without makeup. They mean what they THINK is no make up but in actual fact, we're still wearing a considerable amount. I can't wear ZERO make-up without being asked several times if I'm ill.
Obviously their is a certain species of female that do look human without a bit slap on (not me) but to say someone looks BETTER w without ANY make-up is complete and utter poppycock.
Let's evaluate both these view points.
Boy point #1
You get the absolute invalids claiming we lie to them? by painting our face different colours.
It's kind of true. We can make our eyes bigger, create a jaw line, give ourselves luscious lips, long eyelashes, blah blah blah BUT as one wise female once said: "I don't see why we girls get blamed for boys being stupid enough to believe we have gold eyelids."
Is make-up evil? Probably, if you're a lad waking up with his pull on Sunday morning from Saturday night but from a girls perspective - it's power. If you're a boy and you're ugly, sorry mate but your crack better be something of Kevin Hart potential; if you're a girl however and are able to correct your face with the power of make-up, you could have the worst patter ever (an unfortunate curse) BUT it doesn't matter because boys are 8/10 foolish, shallow creatures.
Here's a question for the guys though: Maybe if we didn't face so much ridicule and pressure from the male gender to look like Beyonce we wouldn't feel the need to 'cake' ourselves? A males first war weapon as soon as a girl does something to hurt their ego is attack our appearance, so really ... you's only have yourselves to blame!
It's all these padded bra's and now apparently pants with stuffing in to enhance your assets men need to really get mad at but again, this is their fault ... I'd say. I'll explain why below:
"Hi, I'm a boy. I don't like skinny girls, I like curvy girls but my idea of curvy is a size 6 with a waist the width of my little finger but an arse the size of Jupiter and double D's." That's not curvy, that's unrealistic and pretty much unachievable without surgery.
These boys, they want their cake and to eat it too? When they themselves are sat plain as day NOT looking like Ian Somerhalder, EH?
Which brings us on to...
Boy point#2
The bad kind.
"I hate girls who cake themselves in make-up"
"I love natural girls, I hate fake girls, fake girls are so minging"
"All these lasses look stupid with faces full of makeup, why do they bother?" blah blaaaaah blah shaaaaaaaaddap
1) They're either talking out their backside because you see these lads shacked up week in, week out with actual walking, talking, living, breathing, shitting, barbie dolls. Caked to the high heavens. Exactly, what do you class as caked then? Someone who's actually literally just smacked their face in a mac palot?
I just think they have no idea what they're talking about. Maybe they're not referring to girls who cake the slap on but actually who just put make-up on badly ... there's a difference but don't claim you LOVE the natural look and then leave with an Amy Whinehouse.
2) They're stupid. Next time a lad says this, ask them what kind of girl they are referring to i.e. get them to point one out. If anyone has done this, I guarantee you'll have one glance at the gal and straight away
-with several products for that matter
-lips lined
-eyes lined
-eyeshadow in secret places
-powder in secret places
-eyebrows perfected
-fake hair in
-probably had friggen work done
-the list goes on
This is what I mean by girls who know how to apply makeup well so it looks natural, but in actual fact it's anything but.
The absolute Gods of makeup.
In a boys perspective, they're apparent con artists but no, I don't think so, boys are literally just rediculous.
THE REAL NATURAL GIRLS are the ones boys don't look twice at. Usually. The "plain janes" and good on them, for having the balls to do what most girls don't!
Baically, boys should shut up about girls and what they put on their face. It's inner beauty that counts right? after all.